Procurement Manual
The Procurement Manual defines the responsibilities, functions and authority in contractual matters within TRANSMILENIO SA, and determines the activities to be undertaken and developed by statutory provision and which are based on the monitoring and control of contract execution.
The Procurement Manual has the following specific objectives:
? Establish procedures enabling clarity and objectivity in the process pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual, necessary to ensure the principles and duties of government contracting.
? Comply with Constitution, Law and especially designated to mandates Law 80 of 1993, Act 1150 of 2007, Act 1474 of 2011, Decree 019 of 2012, Decree 734 of 2012 and other rules of order National or District to regulate, complement, modify and supplementing provisions subject.
? State procedures and responsibilities of the different areas in the pre-activity, contractual and post-contractual.
? Facilitate self-control and organization.
Source: M-SJ-001-Contracting Manual - February 7, 2013
You can then download the Contracting Manual TRANSMILENIO SA in the following link:
Fecha de publicación 25/06/2014
Última modificación 25/06/2014