District regulations


Council of Bogotá





Acuerdo 4 de 1999

By authorizing the Mayor on behalf of the Capital District to participate, together with other entities at the district, in the Constitution of the Carrier of the Third Millennium - Transmilenio SA and other provisions.


Acuerdo 239 de 2006

Whereby is organized social control public service users mass automotive land transport, collective and individual passengers in Bogotá DC


Acuerdo 288 de 2007

Through which grants permission to the Department of Culture, Recreation and Sports and Education Fund and Road Safety-Clearance-for FONDATT totally gratuitously give its stake in the carrier mass of the third millennium, TRANSMILENIO SA, in order to authorize a district entities to partner in that company and other provisions.


Acuerdo 334 de 2008

Whereby it mandatory for health equipment locations and installation, provision, maintenance and use of the first aid kit in doorways and Transmilenio stations.


Acuerdo 444 de 2010

For which sets tools for citizen control over the quality of the Transmilenio system works by identifying replaced or repaired slabs and other provisions.


Acuerdo 484 de 2011

Whereby establishing a transportation allowance to persons with disabilities in the Capital District.


Acuerdo 489 de 2012

By which adopts the Economic Development Plan, Social, Environmental and Public Works to Bogotá, DC, 2012-2016, Human Bogota.

Human Mobility Program. He points out that human mobility give priority to mass transit on the particular service and the introduction of electric power in mass transit. The system will be integrated intermodal transport, which include the types: full or urban, rural and regional networks with bike paths, current and new trunk soft component, railway network and overhead wires. The priority projects of this program are, among others, (i) the construction and integration of the rail network as structuring axis of the Public Transport System, (ii) Expansion and integration of core and (iii) the implementation of the Integrated Public Transport SITP.


Decrets of Mayor





Decreto Distrital 542 de 1999

By which creates and organizes the Fund Reorganization Account Collective Urban Passenger Transport in the Capital District.

Fund Account for Collective Transport Reorganization. Notes that the Fund Account is established as a system of budget management and accounting regardless unincorporated aimed at fulfilling the purposes specified in Article 7 of the Agreement 4 of 1999. The Fund shall consist of a Technical Committee, among others, by the General Manager of Transmilenio, whose duties focus on (i) define policies and guidelines for managing the purposes of the Fund Account, (ii) advise and ensure compliance of its objectives, (iii) be its own rules, inclusive. The Administration will be responsible for the District of Mobility (District Decree 227 of 2009) in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee, who also has the responsibility to execute functions. Settlement Fund will be extinguished when the obligations of its purpose or when the District Administration decides.


Decreto Distrital 831 de 1999

By regulating the Agreement 4 of 1999, in connection with the provision of essential public mass passenger in automotive terrestrial mode. Dicta provisions relating to the conditions for the authorization of operators, concession contracts for the operation of the Transmilenio system, technical and operational conditions of the system, the user fee for service system, control and surveillance by Company, as well as measures on special and exclusive infrastructure Transmilenio System. Creates the Transportation Planning Committee as inter-agency coordination to coordinated planning and transport transit Mass Transit Systems.



Decreto Distrital 836 de 1999

Adds Decree 831 of December 3, 1999, in relation to the conditions for enabling operators


Decreto Distrital 252 de 2000

By enacting certain provisions to implement the infrastructure that makes up the Mass Transit System Automotive Passenger Santa Fe de Bogotá.


Decreto Distrital 113 de 2003


By which establishes the Electronic Card Operation for the public transport of passengers.



Decreto Distrital 115 de 2003



 Through which sets out criteria for the reorganization of public transport in the Capital District.


Decreto Distrital 116 de 2003

Through which mechanisms of surveillance and control for replenishment, physical disintegration of vehicles fulfilling life and contributions to replacement funds.


Decreto Distrital 424 de 2005

Whereby adopting a framework for interagency coordination and participation in efforts to advance the process of implementation of the infrastructure of Phase III of the Transmilenio system.


Decreto Distrital 319 de 2006

By which adopts the Mobility Master Plan for Bogotá Capital District, which includes the management of parking lots, and other provisions. 


Decreto Distrital 486 de 2006

By which assigns a function to the Carrier of the Third Millennium - Transmilenio SA


Decreto Distrital 505 de 2007

By regulating the District Governing Board and Committees.

Administrative Development Sectoral Committee Mobility. The Committee notes that the Administrative Development Sectoral Mobility shall consist of the / the Secretary (a) District Mobility, who presides, by the Director (a) of the Special Administrative Unit Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project, by the Director (a ) Urban Development Institute, the Manager of the Carrier of the Third Millennium - Transmilenio SA, by the Terminal Manager Transport and Clearing Fund Manager of Education and Road Safety - FONDATT in Liquidation. The Technical Secretariat shall be exercised by the Secretary (a) Sector Policy of the District Department of Transportation.


Decreto Distrital 309 de 2009



By which adopts the Integrated Public Transport System for Bogotá DC, and other provisions.



Decreto Distrital 397 de 2010

By which adopts the District Road Safety Plan for Bogotá, Distrito Capital.


Decreto Distrital 156 de 2011



By adopting measures to ensure the smooth transition of the Public Service Collective Surface Transportation Automotive the Integrated Public Transport System - SITP, gradual implementation, and other provisions.


Decreto Distrital 294 de 2011

By which adopt urban and architectural guidelines for the implementation of zonal terminals and yards transient transient zonal Integrated Public Transport System-SITP-, during the transition phase in Bogota Capital District.


Decreto Distrital 547 de 2011

By enacting measures for migration collective transport equipment to mass transit and other provisions.


Decreto Distrital 86 de 2012

Whereby ordering Development Committees and Social Control of public service users mass automotive land transport, collective and individual passengers in Bogotá, Distrito Capital.


Decreto Distrital 185 de 2012

By which creates the Intersectoral Commission for Road Safety.


Decreto Distrital 356 de 2012

By which sets the rate of massive urban transport service of passengers of the Transmilenio system and zonal component of the Integrated Public Transport System "SITP" in the Capital District. Modified by District Decree 400 of 2012.


Decreto Distrital 429 de 2012

By regulating the 2011 Agreement on District 484 transportation allowance to persons with disabilities.


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Fecha de publicación 27/06/2014
Última modificación 27/06/2014

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