
 Social and Environmental Responsibility has implemented Transmilenio SA, refers to meeting the economic, social and environmental importance of the system, overcoming regulatory and contractual requirements and expectations established that the community may have regarding this type of system .

The management bodies and Transport Sector companies today must appropriate the guidelines of sustainable mobility and meet the new challenges and demands that this involves, mitigating the impacts and maximizing benefits for users, workers and the rest of society.

The social and environmental responsibility system involves respect for ethical values??, people, society and the environment, as a comprehensive strategy to increase the added value and follows the "Knowledge Management Cycle", promoting continuous improvement system.

Through a set of policies, strategies and programs that are developed for all operations and decision-making processes aimed at the consolidation of a sustainable transport system that contributes to climate change mitigation, improved quality of life of the citizens and environmental quality of the city "

Número de visitas a esta página 3472
Fecha de publicación 03/07/2014
Última modificación 03/07/2014

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