Awards & Recognition for Environmental TransMilenio System





WORLD BANK "Recognition during the visit of the Executive Directors" 2009.


Recognized as a global example in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, by means such as the New York Times. 2009.


Selection by the Ministry of Environment CDM project to be presented in Copenhagen (Denmark) - COP 15 as part of the national delegation in the framework of the World Summit on Climate Change, 2009. The project was presented as a successful experience in the transport sector to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and climate change mitigation.


The distinction with the silver medal in the Environmental Responsibility Award 2010 category "Business Services" organized by the British Embassy and the Foundation Planting Colombia


The project took first place in the category "Pollution and climate change" and the fifth in the overall standings at the First Hispanic American and Latin American Contest of Best Practices in Planning and Health, Pan American Health Organization. From experience "Environmentally Sustainable TransMilenio" placed fifth among 134 experiences presented by 15 countries. 2010.


Environmentally Sustainable The TransMilenio project was selected as a successful experience and entered the bank of successful projects of the Administrative Department of Public Service, for which he received Honorable Mention in the 2010 version.


The project was presented as a successful case of transportation in the 2010 program symposium Pan European Transport Environment and Health, held in Geneva (Switzerland) organized by the World Health Organization WHO / Europe and the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE).


In the competition for staff and contractors made ??under the District Award of Water Culture, an official of the entity took third place in the category of service providers and scored half scholarship for post graduate studies in the University District.


UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE. Transmilenio CDM project selected as one of the 10 best and most successful projects by co-social and environmental benefits. 2010


Publication "GENDER, HEALTH AND CLIMATE CHANGE" in the World Health Organization is highlighted by TransMilenio system as a successful experience in Sustainable Transportation.





Recognition Bogotá by official certification "BRTPalabra con contexto: Bus Rapid Transit (Bus de Tránsito Rápido) GOLD Standard" for Trunk: Americas, Calle 80, Calle 26, Carrera 10, Transmilenio NQS and Suba in 2013 and "BRTPalabra con contexto: Bus Rapid Transit (Bus de Tránsito Rápido) SILVER Standard". The Trunk Autonorte and caracas By leading a global effort in the design of a BRTPalabra con contexto: Bus Rapid Transit (Bus de Tránsito Rápido) and ensure that these systems are more uniform providing a world class experience to passengers, significant economic benefits and positive environmental impacts.


Número de visitas a esta página 3621
Fecha de publicación 03/07/2014
Última modificación 03/07/2014

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